Sunday, December 03, 2006

Time for a Career Change?

The other day I was admiring the quality of writing on my friends’ blogs. They blog about real issues that really connect with their audience
My writing doesn’t even come close! But then again my friends are journalists. Writing is their craft!

I don’t have a craft!

31 years old and still do not know what do with my life!!!

The problem with being an all rounder is that I’m a Jack-of-all-trades and Master of none. I’ve always hated being tied down to just the one thing. My friend Emily would say it’s because I’m a Gemini. I start things, get bored and move on to the next thing; which I start, get bored, and move on to the next

Start, Bored, Next…

I’m bored with my job.

The only thing that has been consistent in my life has been reading. What career can I possibly make out of that? Librarian? Bookseller?
Do I have the guts to go back a step to change careers? For librarian, I’d have to go back to school and learn whatever it is librarians learn. On second thoughts, the librarian at my local library is sooooo stereotypical– nervous, mousy woman with big purple-rimmed glasses.

Hmm, not sure I want to do that!

The only other option is bookseller. But they earn so little. How would I pay my mortgage? Bills?

Why do I have to have a career?

Why wasn’t I born into a rich family? Why wasn’t I born with stunning good looks to net me a rich husband? You know, the kind that’s old fashioned enough to not want his wife to work?