Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Money Issue and Sacrifice

I finally landed myself a part time job. Found it on Gumtree a few weeks ago, sent off the application by email and then heard nothing. I’d resigned myself to the fact that I would not find anything this side of Christmas having been rejected for sales assistant positions by 3 major department stores. Couldn’t get past those bloody psychometric tests.

Then the call came.

“Hi Kim, are you still interested in that part time delivery job you applied for on Gumtree”
“Oh YES!!!”
“I know it’s short notice, but can you start tonight, 6.30?”

As soon as I got to the restaurant, Gary, the owner, flung a bag at me saying
“Oh. Here you are. You can make this delivery” He opened the till and gave me some change. I could have easily taken the food, money and done a runner! I got a ₤1 tip on my first delivery. Yey! Made 4 more deliveries that night and at the end of it, the chef made me a meal. Got paid cash! Not bad! Although when I was leaving, Gary mentioned that the normal delivery guy was coming back next week, so they probably wouldn’t need me.

Still I am overwhelmed with gratitude that I earned any money at all. In my culture, it is customary for children to honour their parents by giving them their first salary. I don’t know but it just felt right for me to honour God this way. A tough decision to make because you see I really need the money. My overdraft is ₤720 and credit card debt just over ₤1,300. To some people this doesn’t seem like a lot, but to me, unaccustomed to debt, it’s HUGE. In addition to this I’ve got bills to pay and the salary coming in at the end of the month just won’t cover them…
Then I remembered the story in 2 Samuel 23:13 – 17, where David’s men, at great cost, got him some water he’d been longing for. David refused to drink the water but poured it out as an offering to God, saying that only God was worthy of such sacrifice.
I was also reminded of the time in Luke 21: 1 – 4, when Jesus commented on the widow’s offering, saying that even though she had given so little, she had put in more than the people who had given out of their wealth, because she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.

God is pleased with personal sacrifice that honours Him.

I must admit that my situation is different to that of the widow. I’ve had a lot of financial support from my family and friends. I am only worried that they might grow weary of me. Or that the bank will suddenly call in the overdraft- then I’d really be up shit creek without a paddle!
So my giving that ₤25 in the offering was not only just to honour God, but also to tell Him that I will trust Him. He’s shown me in numerous ways that He’s got my back. I guess we all need to go through times such as these to fully appreciate Him.