Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Over Analysing

On Sunday after Service, as I was walking up to the High road to catch a bus, Jonathan, (remember... from the 20-30’s cluster barbeque?) ran up and asked where I was going. I thought he was headed in the same direction and just wanted to walk with me until he mentioned that he had a car, and would I like a lift? Of course! I can’t say no to a lift! When we got to the High Road, he offered to take me further and drop me at my destination… I noticed we took the scenic route...
When I got home, I mentioned this to Shifa and Yati and they became so excited that I had to reel them in,

“The guy is just being friendly and you guys are already planning the wedding”

If I’m being honest on a certain level I am a little excited. I’m not used to people (especially Christian guys) wanting to be friends. There are a lot of desperate single women in the church and guys tend to avoid us single women altogether because the slightest friendly gesture is often misinterpreted. Its true! We read too much into these things- encouraged along by our girlfriends.

Now Jonathan… he is nice looking… a bit on the skinny side (It’s okay, I can work with skinny, just feed him and strongly encourage him to go to the gym...unless of course he is like my cousin Carole who CANNOT put on weight no matter how hard she tries)...I think he is about 27 … is in prayer ministry team… laughs at my jokes… the colour scheme for the wedding will be red and gold… engagement party to take place in Uganda with wedding at St Barnabas… Hmm I wonder what my name will look like with his surname – should we make it double barrelled with a hyphen in the middle.

Women, eh?

Natasha Bedingfields’ song ‘I Want to Have Your Babies’ nicely sums it up. In the song’s video she is in a session at the gym with a gorgeous Personal trainer, and you see those little ‘imagination bubbles’ pop up on the screen with her thinking about their babies together. The guy totally oblivious. The bridge of the song goes

‘Trust me it would scare you
If you knew what was going on in my brain
Trust me it would scare you
That I picked out the church, or the schools or the names’

Oh yeah, if Jonathan had heard that conversation with my girls, he would scuttle

I don’t want to read any more into it, and will choose to believe that I’m not being singled out for special attention and he is probably the same way with all his female friends

In the meantime I think I’ll go with the double barrelled surname ;-)