Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Ministry of Motherhood

My friend Shifa is over on a week's holiday with her two toddlers (3-sh and 2 years old)
It's quite an experience having kids in our 'bachelorette' pad. The whining, screeching, attention seeking, loud squeals of joy, the silence (dangerous as this is a sure indicator that they are up to no good) are all proving to be too much for me.

Even more challenging are the day trips. On Saturday we drove down to Brighton beach, which is quite a long drive for me. The last 30 minutes of the journey was nightmare as we had to change the 2 years old's nappy, and endure his wailing. Once we got to the Brighton Pier, we were bombarded with requests for ice cream, sweeties, chocolate, candy floss, expensive rides- and when refused... loud tantrums. The 2 kids jostled to be carried by Mommy, and Mommy alone - not Aunty! It was a hot muggy day, crowded and I felt really sorry for Shifa
How do mothers cope?
If I had any reservations about having children... I think I can confidently say.. I definitely don't want any! I just don't have the patience, selflessness.... PATIENCE!
Don't get me wrong, the kids can be as sweet as pie. It is especially heart-warming when the little body (with dry diaper) climbs onto your lap to cuddle. Or when he spots you, lets out a loud cry and runs to you with arms outstretched. But those moments are so few and far between!
I have a profound respect for mothers... especially my Mom, who at one time had 4 toddlers under the age of 5! How she coped in the grey isolation of Stockport... I will never know!
God bless all mothers in the world; replenish their ever dwindling strength, give them oodles of patience, grace, wisdom to discipline, and a healthy alternative to sweeties!