Friday, February 16, 2007

Parla Italiano?

This year for my birthday I am making another pilgrimage to my beloved Italy! Yati has found some cheap flight deals for June! We'll hire a car and spend a week touring wine country! Throw in a couple of handsome guys and we are set!!!

This time I've decided to do something different! Learn how to speak Italian!!!

Last year in Venice I learnt how to ask very basic questions like how much? (Quanto?) Where is? (Dove?). This was great, but the person I was asking would reply in a rapid torrent of Italian- stopping mid flow at the look of complete bewilderement on my face

'Non ho capito?" (You don't understand?)
"Non capisce!" (Not a chance in hell I got that!)

I bought 'Italian for Dummies' but it was a bit heavy on grammar so I exchanged it for a simpler one called 'Teach Yourself Italian - Italian Starter Kit' which claims that I can learn how to speak basic Italian in just 7 weeks. This morning I learnt...

Andiamo a Italia? (Let's go to Italy)
Mi piace l'Italia. Il solo, il mare. il vino...(I like Italy. The sun, the beaches, the wine...)
Andiamo a Venezia in Aprile! (Let's go to Venice in April)

Not bad! And all from memory! I'm off to a good start!