Thursday, July 27, 2006

The 'Disciples'

I just realised that up to this point, my life must seem pretty pathetic - revolving around the elusive love life! There are lots of other things going on too.
For example, I am now one of the “Disciples” – a group of young St B’sters who meet regularly at the Mill pub. The ‘Disciples’ was started and is kept going by Mark. He is a short unassuming man with a heart of gold. I met him on the Alpha course, where he was facilitating our Alpha group. At first, I disliked him mainly because my sarcasm and play of 'Devil’s Advocate' were lost on him. Whereas most Anglicans, would get flustered with the kind of questions I asked, like after a particularly harrowing talk about the Crucifixion I asked in group,
“Why is everyone making such a big deal about Jesus death, he certainly wasn’t unique… other criminals were crucified too?”
Mark just smiled and said, “But Jesus was an innocent man”
“Yeah, well, innocent people get killed- I’m sure some of those criminals must have been innocent”
Marks’ response to my questions was always to smile, and patiently explain, and explain, and explain. He’s one of those rare people who will go on and on about the wonders of God, totally oblivious to his listeners hostility, sneers (my cringing) and open boredom. Bless him!
Well back the ‘Disciples’! Mark invited me along when I expressed my frustration at how hard it was to make friends at St B’s.
It wasn’t easy.
The first time I joined them, everyone else apart from Mark seemed a bit standoffish and acted like I’d invaded their territory. I thought to myself, ‘Tough, they’ll have to get used to having me around’, so I went the week after that, and after that until, RESULT! They remembered my name! I got phone numbers! Was added to the social mailing list! I thought to myself… ‘I’m IN!!!’
They are an okay bunch, (hey nobody’s perfect!) I guess my experience will help me to be more sensitive to new members, and dare I say, challenge the group to be more welcoming of them? After all, Mark can’t be everywhere at all times!