Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sacred Romance

Sorry I’ve been so quiet!

I bought this book
‘The Sacred Romance – Drawing Closer to the Heart of God’ by Brent Curtis and John Eldredge a few years ago while on holiday in the USA. Courtesy of my 15 day Amtrak Rail pass, a good chunk of my time was spent travelling and I’d thought the book would help pass the time.

I was mistaken!

It’s one of those books that call for deep reflection – those of you who know me, know that I prefer to wade in the shallow realms of human thought. So at that time the book was just not for me and I never got past the first few chapters. It's been gathering dust on my bookshelf for years and I only unearthed last weekend while spring cleaning. There’s a time and season for everything, and I suppose this was my time to read the book.

Was planning to review it here, but there’s so much good stuff in it, and it's really difficult to summarise. All I can say is that if you are at a point in your life where the ‘Romance’ has gone (you know what I’m talking about), and you are just going through the motions of Christianity…
…or you feel there is something missing, and feel a deep yearning, an 'unconsolable longing', as the authors put it, and have tried to recapture this 'elusive something', with all the prescribed Christian formulae (i.e. get more involved in ministry, step up bible reading, read more Christian books...) Maybe you've distracted yourself with work, relationships, hobbies... or like me, have numbed/killed all dreams, desires and passions so as not to be disappointed.

And the longing is still there!!! You know there's got to be more to your relationship with God, because you've had brief glimpses of it, for example- when you first became a Christian!

Then maybe this book would be a good read for you. It might help you discover the reason why you lost the Romance in the first place and may prove to be a helpful companion in your journey back to your First Love?