Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Reviewing 2007

One of my 2007 resolutions was to make my relationship with God a priority

I signed up for an intense counselling/prayer 12 week programme at my church called Oasis which, according to the label, helps identify and deal with areas that are preventing me from having a close relationship with God. It is a very emotional process, characterised by a lot of tears, painful memories and repentance. I realised that I had a distorted image of God as Father, based on my relationship with my earthly father, and did not really trust Him. Being a person who sees everything in ‘black and white’ it is difficult for me to have a balanced perspective of God. He loves me profoundly, but this means that He loves me too much to leave me unchanged and in bondage to sin. This ‘tough love’ aspect terrified me and resulted in me spending less time in personal prayer or even reading the Bible, lest He highlighted yet another thing I had to change or do. I just thought I was never good enough, so full of sin and bad habits, and if I listened to God I would receive endless criticism of the “why-can’t-you-be-like-so-and-so” variety. So I dealt with it by avoiding Him. Even as I type this, I get emotional, a sure indicator that I haven’t been fully set free in this area
Another issue was my physical appearance. All my female relatives are feminine and beautiful and for a long time I felt plain and ugly in comparison. Through the Oasis programme, I’ve changed the way I view myself.

I am beautiful.

Oh some times I revert and feel intimidated by beautiful women, but I’ve learnt how to recognise that they just have a different kind of beauty to mine. After all, a rose looks different from a tulip or a dahlia, but they are all beautiful flowers! I never thought I’d say that about myself. And this confidence has translated into the way I carry myself, dress or exercise and interact with people.

This was going to be a post about my New Years resolutions, but it’s become too long, so I’ll save that for the next