Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Job Hunting

The person who was supposed to allocate me work assumed I didn't need any (Don't know what gave her that impression???) So I've been sitting here trying to look busy! This is part of the 'busy-ness'

The longer I stay in this job, the more I realise that I honestly do not give a damn about my company and it's objectives. I see people all around me like my manager who do!
There was a time when I was keen on getting ahead in the company - but my enthusiasm died when I realised that there are no opportunities to move into the sections that interested me. When job application upon application were rejected, I realised that I have become too specialised. Stuck!! There are opporunities within my section to progress, but the last time there was a job trawl, my manager and colleagues could not understand why I did not go for promotion. I'm just not interested in carving out a career path in my current work area.

The time has come to leave my company! There's more to a job than just paying bills. I've got to have satisfaction, fulfiment, a sense that I am making a difference in this world.

Someone asked me the other day 'What is marketable about you?" It really got me thinking. What IS marketable about me?

I can be quite shy, and cannot seem to meet any deadlines that involve writing reports. But I have a pleasant character and build up good rapport with most people that I meet in person. If I believe strongly in something, I can be quite persuasive. And even though I do not often come up with new ideas, I enthusiastically support people who do! I am a good listener and have great empathy for the suffering. I like trying out new stuff - the more extraordinary the more appealing it is to me. I can work in a team or independently - quite flexible really. I am a fast reader, have good memory and learn practical things really fast! I like organising events and bringing people together.

So quite marketable, but WHERE??

Ideally I would like to work either within the Entertainment industy or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In my company CSR is closed...really...vacancies hardly come up and I don't know anyone there to start networking. So I have to look elsewhere!

I'll start researching into the different companies. Ideally it would be the corporate social responsibility section of a large entertainment company?
Perhaps I should step up my volunteering activities and work it from that angle?