Thursday, April 13, 2006

A thought for Easter - Eddie's sequel!!!

He was wounded and crushed because of our sins; by taking our punishment, he made us completely well... All of us were like sheep that had wandered off. We had each gone our own way, but the LORD gave him the punishment we deserved... His life was taken away because of the sinful things my people had done. The LORD decided his servant would suffer as a sacrifice to take away the sin and guilt of others. (Isaiah 53: 4, 8b & 10 Contemporary English Version)
Easter and NOT Christmas is the most significant festival in the Christian Calendar - in fact our whole faith is based upon these events that took place over 2000 years ago.
We Christians believe that Jesus death on the Cross fulfilled the above prophecy.
My Jewish friends are celebrating Passover - an 8 day observance commemorating the freedom and exodus of the Israelites (Jewish slaves) from Egypt during the reign of the Pharaoh Ramses II. About 3000 years ago, according to the Book of Exodus - Moses, a simple Jewish shepherd, was instructed by God to go to the Pharaoh and demand the freedom of his people. Moses' plea of 'let my people go' was ignored. He warned the Pharaoh that God would send severe punishments to the people of Egypt if the Israelites were not freed. Again the Pharaoh ignored Moses' request of freedom. In response God unleashed a series of 10 terrible plagues on the people of Egypt. In the last plague, God instructed the Israelites to slaughter an unblemished lamb, take some of it's blood and put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes of their houses and stay indoors. That night, the angel of the LORD went through the land and struck down the first born of all Egyptians. However, the houses of the Israelites that had blood sprinkled on them were saved!
Christians believe that Jesus was the sacrifcial Lamb whose blood was spilt to save us from the Judgement of God. This Salvation is available to all those who believe this. You don't have to be a good person to be saved - just someone who admits that they need help. It's that simple!
In my last blog, I mentioned that I was worried about my late friend, Eddie because I did not know whether he had accepted Christ. Yesterday I received an email from my sister-in-law, which I'm sure she won't mind me sharing here

'Last week on Monday Kags (my brother) called me and told me that Eddy was seriously sick. In fact he spent the whole day in hospital and when he came back in the evening he was so worried that Eddy wouldnt make it... So the following morning we went together and when we reached he (Eddie) was a bit delusional but recognised us, so there and then I made him accept Christ and I told him to repeat some words after me and he repeated them willingly. He died the next day in the morning....'
I believe that Eddie accepted Christ, made his peace with God and is in heaven right now. I grieve that he is gone, but I am comforted in the hope that I will see him again! God is merciful!
Dear Reader, the fact that you are reading this suggests that God is interested in You, and wants to bring you into relationship with Him. Don't wait until your deathbed to accept Christ. Accept Him Today! Sprinkle the Blood of Jesus on the doorframe of your heart and be saved!