Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Random thoughts

Sorry I've been out of touch. Life's going through one of it's boring phases where nothing new happens.
Typical week: - Lazy night on Monday evening, Alpha course on Tuesday, Housegroup Wednesday, again a lazy night on Thursday. By lazy night it means there is nothing of personal interest on the TV. Something always crops up on Fridays even though I'd rather it didn't because my favourite sitcom,Will and Grace, is on at 8.30. My window cleaner has this habit of coming to ask for his money right in the middle of the programme - he's ever so cheerful and likes to linger for a chat- apparently plays guitar- used to be in a band you know- plays all kinds of music like Jazz and (...oh you are Black so you must like...) Soul. YAWN, Just take your money already and let me get back to my programme!!! Considering changing window cleaners!
Oh yes, I DID something interesting. On Saturday, my mate Emily had free tickets for 'King Lear' at the British Film Institute. It's a 197o film, in Russian, subtitles in Shakespeares English...ehem... as you can imagine quite hard to follow. On Sunday, I tried out a new recipe on my "guinea pig", sister Ngonzi - no... she doesn't look or even eat like a pig, but she gets to try out all my food experiments! (also hates to cook and welcomes the free food) The 'Oven Ki Murghi' - chicken breasts roasted with onions and green chillis (courtesy of Madhur Jaffrey on Saturday Kitchen- for recipe click here-
Oven Ki Murghi ) met with Ngonzi's full approval so will be one of the dishes I'll do for my house group in a couple of weeks time.
Ok I'll write some more when something interesting happens!