Monday, March 27, 2006


Our House Group is studying "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren.
We read a chapter a day and meet up for stimulating weekly discussions. I feel that as we share from our hearts, we are drawing closer to each other. I have developed a special fondness for each and every one of them- except Martin. In last week's discussion he came out with this theory about sin being passed on by the Male sperm because Jesus was conceived of a virgin and had no sin... Therefore sin is passed on through the male sperm! Just how is this a useful contribution to a discussion on infant baptism? Who bloody cares where sin comes from anyway?
Actually he really wound me up at Trevor's party last Saturday! Because I'd invited other House Group members to a "Murder Mystery" dinner that I'm organising over Easter, I felt obliged to ask Martin too. He pulls out his palm pilot, and says "Oh, I'm free that evening but can't confirm anything because Trevor and I might have plans that weekend!" (does Trevor, who is in the other room, have a say in this?) "We are going away on a holiday which we haven't booked yet... don't know what day we'll leave... Haven't planned..." Bla bla bla!
Such 'enthusiasm'!
At this point I am deeply regretting why I asked him in the first place. Why can't he just say he doesn't WANT to come for the dinner instead of stalling with all manner of excuses. I explain that when planning a"Murder Mystery"dinner, I really need confirmations because I have to assign characters, give guests plenty of time to look for the right costumes and also plan the meal. If someone doesn't show up or cancels at the last minute, it spoils everything! And since nothing's been agreed yet with Trevor, they could plan around the dinner! I can't believe it... I'm actually begging this moron to come.
He sighs angrily and announces to the entire party,
"Alright, the only thing I can confirm is that I WON'T be coming then!" Whips out palm pilot... deletes my name and then storms out the room. House Group leader Phil (bless him), breaks up the awkward silence that ensues with
"Oh, is that Martin having a "Martin" moment?
Martin, What a Juvenile idiot - no wonder he's still single! Social skills, tact, sensitivity... ZERO!!
For one moment, I consider invitingTrevor, just out of spite, but I think to myself "No Kim, that is not the Christian attitude. Just drop it!" It would give me profound satisfaction if Trevor and the rest of House Group came, leaving Martin with NOTHING to do but stare at his palm pilot all evening! Oh yeah! The idea appeals to me! I just might phone Trevor.
The funny thing is that, earlier, one of the girl's mentioned that when she first joined House Group, she found Martin really irritating, but apparently he's now growing on her. To which I responded, "Well I've just joined House Group!"
Go figure!