According to her blog
“This award is bestowed upon a fellow blogger whose blog’s content or design is, in the giver’s opinion, brilliant.”
I'm honored... I really am!
Hey wasn't FaceBook doing something like this a while back with the 25 things?
And now I get to bare my soul in all honesty. I don't know... people like asking me for my honest opinion. My experience shows that honesty is usually well received when tempered with a heavy doze of sensitivity and tact. I was not blessed with these qualities when God was handing out personalities, so I tend to upset a lot of people. They never ask me twice....
So here goes - BRACE YOURSELVES!!
- I think I’m an interesting and exciting person– a sentiment, I am appalled to say, that is not shared by the rest of the world.
- The question that I’ve been obsessed with ever since I was little is “Does God exist?” Sometimes it feels like I am living in the story of ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ – pretending with the rest of the religious crowd that God exists when really he may not. I guess you could call me a Christian biased agnostic.
- My deepest wish is to die young. Not a horrific death – more like a slipping quietly away in a ‘she-felt-no-pain’ kind of way (how would they know?)
- And then after I’ve died if I discover that God does exist (gulp), and I am to be excluded from heaven due to my miniscule and sometimes lack of ‘faith’ while I was alive (dem are de rules), that he would just snuff me out of existence rather than send me to hell
- Every year I develop a crush on an ‘unavailable’ man- which renders me emotionally unavailable to men who are available. Weird eh?
- I get very excited about people I like (male or female) – to the point of stalking. I want to hangout and correspond with them all the time. It’s very embarrassing for them and for me
- I used to think I only liked reading sci-fi or fantasy genre, but have now discovered that I enjoy reading anything witty, funny or humorous – whatever genre, whatever medium (books, magazines, blogs)- that’s good for me.
- I consider myself a social misfit and gravitate towards other social misfits - usually those who are more at odds with society than I am – so that I seem normal by comparison.
- I’m not comfortable around kids, although on very rare occasions, I will warm to a kid – but this is VERY rare.
- People who know me say I’m too honest. What they don’t know is that I keep a lid on a lot of stuff– so not all that honest (why exactly did Mjay tag me?)
If you unfortunately happen to be tagged, here are the instructions: -
1) You must brag about the award - Check!
2) You must include the name of the blogger who bestowed the award on you and link back to the blogger: Mjay
3) You must choose a minimum of seven (7) blogs that you find brilliant in content or design.4) Show their names and links and leave a comment informing them that they were prized with Honest Weblog.
There are links to all the brilliant blogs, on the right hand side. Mjay is the only one who would play along and she tagged me. So in keeping with my commitment to remain 'different', I bestow this award on all 'Blogs that I read', but they will remain UNTAGGED!
5) List at least ten (10) honest things about yourself. Then pass it on! - Check!!