Everyone I showed this picture to thought it was a wind up, probably something set up by Channel 4. Michelle at work said
"You'll go in, then some guy will pop out from behind the counter and say, 'Smile you're on Candid camera"
Yati and I decided to do a bit of investigating. Just before we entered we checked for any hidden camera men, TV Vans... that kind of thing...
First thing you notice is the wet doggy smell (urghh). I whipped out my camera and started taking photos. Yati (the look out) was giggling nervously. There were 2 basins, hoses on either side with a set of instructions above them. Vending machines dished out gloves, soap, treats for £3 a pop (pricey!!!).
The most interesting thing was the 'Pee pole' in one corner where dogs can take a leak, and then owners flush it!!
So what if they want to do a 'Number 2?'
Just as we were about to make our getaway, a girl came out from the back door. I checked to see that she was not being followed by a TV crew before asking, "How is business?"
"Great" "Tee hee hee hee"(Yati)
It is a weird concept, but it is clearly working.
I wish I'd thought of that!!!