Thursday, February 09, 2006


Tonight I'm going to my new Vicar's home for a Welcome Supper. Ordinarily, I'd jump at the chance of free food - but I'm in a dilemma because it conflicts with the new diet/fitness regime that I started on Monday. It is called the Gi Jeans diet where you eat 1200 calories per day while exercising for at least 30 minutes each day for 5 days. Apparently when you eat foods with high Gi's they release energy slowly and help you feel full for longer. Or is it foods with low Gi's? I've forgotten - it's something with Gi's...
In the little booklet provided, there are suggested recipes-
A typical breakfast -ONE slice of multigrain bread, spread with some cottage cheese and a piece of fruit... (That's supposed to keep me full until lunchtime?)
Lunch - a sandwich - that's not more than 250 calories
Supper- 170g of white fish, 170 g of new potatoes (i.e. 3 small potatoes) with vegetables
2 snacks - mid morning,and mid afternoon and it's got to be fruit. A banana counts as 2 fruits!
So far, my willpower has been good till about 4.00 pm. By this time I have eaten ALL the alloted snacks for the day and still feeling hungry. This is by no means satisfied with the meagre supper and by 10pm... anything edible looks good. I could swear I've eaten more food since I started this 'diet'! It is quite disheartening really!
My family has a history of high blood pressure and since I'm the only overweight descendant with a food addiction, I'm the most likely candidate to inherit it! That should be sufficient incentive to lose weight, but I just can't seem to stick with anything
A couple of years ago I went through a phase where I cycled to work, went to the gym 4 times a week, joined a regular dance class etc. The weight dropped off and I looked great - but the intense exercise completely buggered up my knees- to the point where it was painful to walk and I had to give up the regime. It all piled on again- and then some!
Since willpower and exercise have been ruled out, surgery seems like the only available solution. Liposuction and stomach stapling are some of the procedures that immediately spring to mind. However, the former is a temporary fix and doesn't really deal with the overeating problem and the latter is only performed in extreme cases of obesity.
Hypnosis? Paul Mc Kenna's "I Can Make You Thin?" As a Christian - hypnosis is frowned upon as it is a form of manipulation and I wouldn't be comfortable with it
I don't know what to do! I need prayer!