Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Random thoughts

Sorry I've been out of touch. Life's going through one of it's boring phases where nothing new happens.
Typical week: - Lazy night on Monday evening, Alpha course on Tuesday, Housegroup Wednesday, again a lazy night on Thursday. By lazy night it means there is nothing of personal interest on the TV. Something always crops up on Fridays even though I'd rather it didn't because my favourite sitcom,Will and Grace, is on at 8.30. My window cleaner has this habit of coming to ask for his money right in the middle of the programme - he's ever so cheerful and likes to linger for a chat- apparently plays guitar- used to be in a band you know- plays all kinds of music like Jazz and (...oh you are Black so you must like...) Soul. YAWN, Just take your money already and let me get back to my programme!!! Considering changing window cleaners!
Oh yes, I DID something interesting. On Saturday, my mate Emily had free tickets for 'King Lear' at the British Film Institute. It's a 197o film, in Russian, subtitles in Shakespeares English...ehem... as you can imagine quite hard to follow. On Sunday, I tried out a new recipe on my "guinea pig", sister Ngonzi - no... she doesn't look or even eat like a pig, but she gets to try out all my food experiments! (also hates to cook and welcomes the free food) The 'Oven Ki Murghi' - chicken breasts roasted with onions and green chillis (courtesy of Madhur Jaffrey on Saturday Kitchen- for recipe click here-
Oven Ki Murghi ) met with Ngonzi's full approval so will be one of the dishes I'll do for my house group in a couple of weeks time.
Ok I'll write some more when something interesting happens!

Monday, February 20, 2006


Last Friday I went to Sadlers Wells Theatre to watch the National Spanish Ballet Company perform the Flamenco.

The first half consisted of agonised wailing from the singers, not unlike a cat in heat, that just set my teeth on edge! During the interval the people I'd gone with gushed about how 'amazing' the music was... and that singing...(pause for effect).. ohh!"

I just thought "I've blown £28 on this crap!"

Fortunately for me, the best was saved for last! In the second half, the caterwauling gave way to the haunting sound of the Spanish guitar beautifully complementing the passionate dance sequences and absolutely stunning costumes!
What an experience!

Afterwards, I reflected on the various dances from my country Uganda. We are made up of over 30 different tribes each with a unique dance and drum signature. If you played a drum sequence for me, I'd be able to tell you exactly where that came from- there's the sensual "Runyege, Entogoro" dance from my tribe Bunyoro; the powerful "Ekitaguriro" from the nearby Ankole tribe; the graceful "Baakisiimba", "Nankasa", "Muwogola" and energetic "Amaggunju" dances from the Buganda tribe, the rhythmic "Bwola", "Larakaraka" and "Ding Ding" dances from the northern Acholi tribe whose names are derived from the sound made by accompanying instruments. I could go on- but there are too many tribes to list. When my people dance, we put our whole minds, bodies and souls in to it. We don't have to screw up our faces into pained expressions to communicate Passion! You can just tell! There are no spectators here, everybody exuberantly claps and joins in with the singing, naturally breaking into untaught three part harmonies!
It's in moments like these that I realise that I do appreciate my roots. If I ever have children, my own, adopted or fostered, I'll make sure that that part of their heritage is not lost to them.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Tonight I'm going to my new Vicar's home for a Welcome Supper. Ordinarily, I'd jump at the chance of free food - but I'm in a dilemma because it conflicts with the new diet/fitness regime that I started on Monday. It is called the Gi Jeans diet where you eat 1200 calories per day while exercising for at least 30 minutes each day for 5 days. Apparently when you eat foods with high Gi's they release energy slowly and help you feel full for longer. Or is it foods with low Gi's? I've forgotten - it's something with Gi's...
In the little booklet provided, there are suggested recipes-
A typical breakfast -ONE slice of multigrain bread, spread with some cottage cheese and a piece of fruit... (That's supposed to keep me full until lunchtime?)
Lunch - a sandwich - that's not more than 250 calories
Supper- 170g of white fish, 170 g of new potatoes (i.e. 3 small potatoes) with vegetables
2 snacks - mid morning,and mid afternoon and it's got to be fruit. A banana counts as 2 fruits!
So far, my willpower has been good till about 4.00 pm. By this time I have eaten ALL the alloted snacks for the day and still feeling hungry. This is by no means satisfied with the meagre supper and by 10pm... anything edible looks good. I could swear I've eaten more food since I started this 'diet'! It is quite disheartening really!
My family has a history of high blood pressure and since I'm the only overweight descendant with a food addiction, I'm the most likely candidate to inherit it! That should be sufficient incentive to lose weight, but I just can't seem to stick with anything
A couple of years ago I went through a phase where I cycled to work, went to the gym 4 times a week, joined a regular dance class etc. The weight dropped off and I looked great - but the intense exercise completely buggered up my knees- to the point where it was painful to walk and I had to give up the regime. It all piled on again- and then some!
Since willpower and exercise have been ruled out, surgery seems like the only available solution. Liposuction and stomach stapling are some of the procedures that immediately spring to mind. However, the former is a temporary fix and doesn't really deal with the overeating problem and the latter is only performed in extreme cases of obesity.
Hypnosis? Paul Mc Kenna's "I Can Make You Thin?" As a Christian - hypnosis is frowned upon as it is a form of manipulation and I wouldn't be comfortable with it
I don't know what to do! I need prayer!

Monday, February 06, 2006

A new chapter...

Just as I was beginning to feel particularly useless at church – and on the verge of leaving… the theme for this evening was ‘involvement in ministry’, an open invitation for members to become part of various ministry teams.
I’ve had my eye on the Worship team for a while, and it’s got nothing to do with the particularly dishy lead guitarist…who up close looks very... urm... dishy!
Unfortunately, they weren’t looking for an acoustic/rhythm guitarist, especially not a self-taught one who can’t read music and doesn’t know what grade she’s at. I toyed briefly with the idea of lying about my proficiency with the electric lead guitar, but then thought better of it. Musicians are an unforgiving lot, and it wouldn’t go down well with “dishy” if I were exposed at the auditions. Do I want to get into the team anyway? They didn’t strike me as particularly friendly. Kind of left me standing on my own unlike the Youth team that was excited to see me at their stand. So I guess its Youth then. I’ve always admired youth workers – they are trendy, up to date “happening” people. Plus,
I always seem to gravitate towards the Youth Ministry. Perhaps it is my Calling? The youth pastor mentioned that there is no one to lead worship for the youth, so my acoustic guitar skills may come in handy after all. I just hope this marks the beginning of a new chapter in my life. In my heart of hearts, I do want to serve God to the best of my ability, because I love Him! I want to get the focus off ME, and place it where it really should be, loving God and my neighbour.
I guess working with youth is kind of like dying to my dreams and aspirations. There’s no way I’ll meet anyone special- single male youth workers are in extremely short supply.
I pray that I’ll make Jesus known and help to make a positive influence in their lives.